





 A Letter From Peter

Coming back to Taipei the second day,

Waking up at 6.25am, rushing up to check my phone whether I overslept or not and suddenly realised, I was not in Dajia anymore, no more tiredness, no more Harold’s music annoying me, it’s just so strange, like my body has already used to the timeline when I were there.

“Oh shit!” was always my very first words I spoke out loud every morning as a greeting method (or you can say) to Harold. And I did the same this morning, but the only difference here is I’m no longer stay in the same place with everyone. Gazing aimlessly at the wall in front of me, the memories gradually come back.

 Nắng mùa hè tô màu những kỉ niệm

Tôi tình cờ biết đến PLG qua một môn học được đứng lớp bởi giáo sư Wannie, đồng thời cũng là người sáng lập và điều hành chương trình PLG. Sau một vài lời "dụ dỗ" như rót mật vào tai của "500 anh em" từng đi về, tôi đã quyết định  đăng kí tham gia vào PLG mùa hè 2021. Để rồi sau đó, tôi "sống sót" trở về với cuộc sống thường nhật, mang theo bên mình là sự trưởng thành trong tính cách, tâm hồn, niềm hạnh phúc, tự hào về bản thân, và cũng là những trăn trở, băn khoăn về giáo dục và con người. Bên cạnh đó, tôi còn có cho mình những người bạn mới, những kỉ niệm khó quên, và một lời hứa với các cô cậu học trò nhỏ trường Chishang …

 Đi và trưởng thành!

"Life is a journey," an expression said so many times that it might make our eyes roll. However, it just might be one of the most overlooked statements about everyday lives. People sometimes brush off interesting, meaningful opportunities with the excuse of fitting in, slowly but surely, closing ourselves inside of a box, with walls made out of other people's thoughts and expectations. Quynh, our dearest friend, was once in her own box, not seeing the vastly diverse world outside of it. But no more! She is now sharing the turning point in her life journey.


PLG Dongao: Where Teachers become Students

I stepped onto the Dongao Elementary School grounds prepared to impart my own English knowledge onto the kids, to share with them my experience of being a Taiwanese American. And I was able to meet that goal. However, the kids at Dongao revealed to me something greater: that teaching is a reciprocal act. I was the teacher, yet they taught me about their culture and lifestyle, their resilience and optimism, and inspired me to cherish and find those things within myself.

진정한 소통은 언어가 아닌 “마음과 행동”

The Genuine Communication is not about Languane, but about Soul and Action.

“진정한 소통은 언어가 아닌 마음과 행동”이라는 것입니다. 분명히 저는 아이들이 하는 말들을 이해하지 못했고 아이들에게 언어로 다가가지 못했었습니다. 하지만 마음과 행동으로 저의 진심을 보여주니 저와 아이들은 진심의 관계로 서로를 대하고 있었습니다.

"True communication is mind and action, not language.” Obviously, I didn't understand what the children were saying, and I didn't reach out to the children in language. But my heart and my actions showed my sincerity, so I and the children were treating each other in a sincere relationship.



My Promise with XiaoLin


I vaguely remember that the day before I left, a group of children gathered in the classroom and wrote down what they wanted to say in small cards, and gave it to us when they wanted to leave. They wrote all night, lying on the floor with us in the classroom until dawn. The weather is cold, but my heart is warm. I originally thought I would not cry, but a child who is usually naughty...